Hey Fab People!
Just wanted to take a moment to wish you all a very happy new year! My life has been super busy with school, holidays and prepping for my daughter's birthday bash this weekend. I promise to blog more after this hectic week is over! I hope everyone enjoyed their New Year! I did! I didn't do too much, except spend it with my family. This was our daughters first New Year so we let her stay up until midnight and it was soooo hilarious! At 11:56 she was falling over trying to go to sleep but we wouldn't let her LOL. Right at midnight we were BOTH knocked out! My sisters were supposed to stay over for a sleepover , but I awakened and they were MIA!

With the new year alot of people tend to make resolutions which is cool if that's your thing. I never make resolutions , I think everyday is an opportunity to change something for the better. One promise I did make to myself was to plant new seeds for friendships with positive people. In addition to planting new seeds I want to rekindle friendships that kind of pass by with time. Not purposely, but we all live very busy lives and time stops for no one. I notice most of my communication with friends is via text , facebook or twitter but I want to get out of this habit! LOL So new friends and old be on the lookout for invites of some sort so we all can connect!
I wish you all a very happy and prosperous New year and talk to you soon!
SN: How fab is this Barbie Disco Ball New years Photo